Tuesday, January 13, 2009

James Adams Submission to the Senate

"We have found 11 citations that conclude that mothers are more likely to kill their children and another 11 citations concluding that mothers are more likely to be violent to a child than the child’s natural dad. Struggling single mothers are clearly over-represented as perpetrators of these horrific crimes." and
"Nobody expects divorced parents to remain celibate. Sadly, awarding children to a single mother after divorce can result in children sharing house with a string of unrelated men – “mummies-new-boyfriends”. and "We have found 387 citations to published research which proves that women initiate domestic violence as often as men do. There are many problems measuring rates of violence. But one thing is certain, while women under-report it, men almost never report being a victim of violence, and, if they try, they are usually laughed out of the police station.The myth is that only men are violent, and their only victims are women. Women are more likely to use a weapon in their assaults, so serious injury rates are similar. Violence between separating parents usually disappears after they have separated…remember, they are ‘separating’ after all!" Damm I forgot that...when you're separated the man is so glad to get rid of you, he has a party instead of stalking you, attacking you, threatening you, assaulting you because he's angry that YOU left him and that now he doesn't have CONTROL anymore. How could I forget. Sheesh.

To think he actually sent that it in to the Senate Inquiry and signed it with his real name. James the women and mothers of the world would like to extend a genuine thank you because you make our job of showing exactly what an angry Fathers Rights activist is. You are the epitomy of an MRA and we love you make our job just that much easier. Keep up the good work!

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